*UI/UX Design for Website - Mobile app


NFT Market Place Platform
1 months (2023)
See Live

MLS - NFT market place is an intermediary platform for trading and exchanging NFT products in the gaming field. People can trade directly 24/24 and manage their products on this platform. MLS also creates many valuable prizes and monetizes their MLS points.

The first time we talked to MLS, we were very impressed with Mystic lab's products, but they were a bit concerned because we did not have experience in this NFT field. MLS told us that they previously had a design for their website, but the old design did not highlight their products nor create personality for the website, nor did the page design. not yet beautified and synchronized in a certain style.
Based on the requirements and resources available from the previous design, we evaluated the usability of the old design system and made the decision to refresh the entire system, and came up with two innovative concepts. Be creative for customers to choose and present the advantages and disadvantages of the above designs. The concept was quickly completed and presented to the customer. MLS felt really excited and they decided that all new and old features would flow throughout the new style throughout the entire website design process. mobile. mobile.
Design Orientation
After finalizing the concept, we completed a Brand Guidelines page for them to introduce to customers. This section lists details about the logo, colors, and typo used for the entire system.

- Typography (new fonts, sizes and usage instructions)
-Color (new color code, primary and secondary colors)
-Icon (displayed on different backgrounds)
Logo Icon
Working Process
The entire project lasted 2 months. The visual Ui team and the Ux team work directly with customers entirely online. During the working process, due to the time difference (8 hours), responses and comments on issues are received within 4-8 hours. and resolved immediately afterwards.

The project has many important functions so it is divided into many stages, the mobile and website designs are designed in parallel to meet the project's progress. Features are updated regularly, during the process. At work, we always suggest solutions to MLS to suit the current situation.
Mobile App
Mobile App Design
The project has many important functions so it is divided into many stages, the mobile and website designs are designed in parallel to meet the project's progress. Features are updated regularly, during the process. At work, we always suggest solutions to MLS to suit the current situation.

Our Creative Expert Team Is Poised And Prepared To Assist You.

Jason Duong
Product Designer

Damn Tien

UX/UI, Motion Designer

Dung Le

UX/UI Designer

Hieu Hoang

Product Designer

Tam Pham

Creative Direction

Jason Duong

Project Manager

Jason Duong

Project Manager